Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Saving is the process of keeping some money from your income or pocket money or other as for future use. Saving should be taught to children from their early age. in most countries the baby children use piggy banks for their saving. Later this grow to bank accounts and other plans (like pension plan). Saving also means a way to spend less in the daily activities and also in other sectors. Spend less and save more Saving also means to increase in one's assets. Investments in some sectors, saving in bank so that the bank can use the money for their investments is also a process of saving. money saved other than investing is known as savings. It can be the saving in the piggy bank or the money tucked under the mattress for future use. Investment is saving while savings is not investment. Even the saving of the goods can be considered as saving.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Portable Stage

Portable stage are easy to make, is durable and can support heavy loads. It can be used for all types of facilities and events. A professional stage can be made in any size by this quick and easy staging system. portable stage are affordable and very much convenient  for any kinds of concerts, performances, special events, graduation, meetings, speeches, banquets, wedding, exhibits, demonstration, trade shows etc. With portable stage we can create every kind of staging system like flat stage for dances performers, multi-staging system for theatrical performances, coral risers for musical performances. We can make portable stages just by placing the platforms above the risers made basically of aluminium or other metals.

Friday, July 6, 2012

what if...

"what if i was a bird, i'd be killed by a hunter.
what if i was a snake, tamers could tame me.
what if i was a four legged animal, anyone could hunt me,
make me extinct, cook me, boil me, fry me, eat me.....
put me as a show piece, poacher-ed away from home.

thats why i became a human.
unlike others i can be a free being, roaming, hunting instead of being hunted.
boiling, frying, grilling, eating.....
Doing anything with anything that i didnt become, so that i could become a being
to do these things to them.....

So be proud of what you became, "

This thinking is a very bad thinking for the likes of human. they should be gentle calm and like a nerd.
studying diffrent aspects of life for the purpose of earths gratitude, longitude and latitude, balanced nature, good environment.

what if the people were solely like this the earth would be a good place to visit even for aliens (if there are any).....

The end.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

hard disk characteristics and file system....

Most hard drives have three characteristics of main importance for performance.
1.    Size - The size of the hard drive is expressed in terms of Gigabytes which is roughly 1000 Megabytes. It is difficult to buy a drive less than 40 GB today. Typical size is 80 through 120 GB.
2.    Speed - The data output of a hard drive is primary limited by the amount of time it takes for the electromagnetic head to reach the data at specific locations on the drive. The primary factor of limitation is hard drive rotation speed. Common speeds today are 5400 RPM (revolutions per minute), 7200 RPM, and 10000 RPM. Considering price and performance, we currently recommend 7200 RPM hard drives.
3.    Reliability - The other performance factor that is worth considering is reliability. This is expressed as mean time between failures (MTBF) The higher the number, the better. Look for this specification on the manufacturer's specification sheets for each product.

File System

Index of Hard Disk. It used to locate the data. Normally file system is present in the 2nd sector of the hard disk. Hard disk will store the data in different sector or track even in a single document.  When computer read that data, it will be little bit slow. To minimize the slowness there will be one table called FAT (File Allocation Table). File System created by operating system during the installation. 

Necromancer A Story

The Necromancer:

The boy waits for his parents to come. It has been  a couple of year since he met his parents. He even barely remembers hows theirs behavior’s like and how he should greet them. But that wasn’t his concern he has other things to discuss for. His new found girlfriend whom he is gonna marry, a new started bossiness and so on.

But there is also something that is troubleling the boy. The old book he found in the library's history section about the necromancy and how it is used in this world. He have tried some of them it has turned out to be a success.

But the book bargains some sacrifices that the user have to make for the full use of it.

So the boy wanted his parents to visit because after visiting his parents he shall give away every sacrifices that the book bargains for. He wanted to see what secrets the book holds. The book wanted the user to be isolated, away from the people and an undead. That’s why he wanted to see his parents for the last time before going away to live a life of the undead in isolation.

He had also had a peek into the other world of the dead. This is what convinced him most to be a necromancer. But going away from his parents leaving a good life and his only love was a very hard thing to do. But he is quiet convinced by the book that he shall give everything that the book wants to be a full necromancer.

After sacrificing everything he could view the both worlds of the dead and the live people. But remaining in these both worlds was a hard thing to do. The dead world with blood, people's dead bodies, skin ripped thrown everywhere. Remaining in this place was very hard, but he has to go to its root. Becoming a Necromancer was the only thing that he was concerned about. He was ready to sacrifice everthing for only this thing.

After waiting for some time his parents arrived . He took them to his place. But his parents were surprised to see place like that of a gothic character. Every where ther were spider webs and  the Furniture and the wooden wall seemed to have rotten with the worms inside them. They tried to ask him some questios but he didint talk with them and lead them to a secret room at the back of the house.

The sight inside the room was very scary for his parents there was blood everywhere and a dead body of a beautiful young girl was lying on the floor. His parents asked him what he was doing but the boy didnt speak. He just took a black sweater that he wore and sword filled with blood out of the cubboard and the cubboard had other things like the staff of necromacy and  old books. This was enough for the boy's parents and they tried to  leave the room but found the door locked. They tured to the boy and found that his skin had gone pale like it has been drained out of blood.

He  slowly looked up like he was trying to smile and said, "Now, the sacrifices ends, with the blood of my love and yours blood the whole things will be complete. I'm sorry for this but from now i'll be a full 'Necromancer'. "

to make internet explorer faster

step 1: first you go to start menu and then choose run.
step2: After you choose run,it appears a little box,then you can type regedit.
step3:Find the key that you need by following this
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ InternetSettings
step4:On the right box,right click and choose new ,then continue choose DWORD Value
step5:type into the box : MaxConnectionsPerServer
step6:Just right click on that key and choose modify,and then type the value that you want into the value box(when you type the large number then your browser faster)
step7:create another key such as MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server (do the same the above steps)
Now just close every thing and restart your computer,then run your Internet Explorer again, see what happen
It should be run faster than usual.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

heres' destorm one of the youtube artist rapping book tittles.... thats some creativity....... watch it... sure you will like it......

Ktm duke 350

KTM has seemingly confirmed that it will launch the Duke 350 in 2013 followed by a Moto3-inspired 350cc sports single a year later.
The news ties in with a leaked photo from last year's North American KTM dealer conference, showing the firm's new model plan from 2012 to 2014. That plan clearly showed the Duke 350 as part of the 2013 range and the “Moto3 350” in 2014.
With those machines proving true, along with several other models that were on that document (the Freeride E and Freeride 350, for instance), there's got to be some serious credibility to the other machines mentioned on it. Most interesting being the 'Super Duke R 1290' planned for next year (along with an 'Adventure R 1090') and the 'Adventure 1290' due in 2014. While KTM's engine designations don't always perfectly match the motor's capacity (the current '690' is actually 654cc, while the '1190' is 1199cc) the 1290 name certainly suggests a capacity close to 1300cc, putting the Adventure and Super Duke beyond the 1200cc rivals from Ducati and BMW.
Now Here's Some Quotes About Poets.......

  • A poet not in love is out at sea;
    He must have a lay-figure.
  • Always be a poet, even in prose.
  • "There's nothing great
    Nor small," has said a poet of our day,
    Whose voice will ring beyond the curfew of eve
    And not be thrown out by the matin's bell.
  • Ovid's a rake, as half his verses show him,
    Anacreon's morals are a still worse sample,
    Catullus scarcely has a decent poem,
    I don't think Sappho's Ode a good example,
    Although Longinus tells us there is no hymn
    Where the sublime soars forth on wings more ample;
    But Virgil's songs are pure, except that horrid one
    Beginning with "Formosum Pastor Corydon."
  • For a man to become a poet (witness Petrarch and Dante), he must be in love, or miserable.
    • Lord Byron, Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron by Thomas Medwin (1823).
  • A poet should leave traces of his passage, not proofs. Traces alone engender dreams.
    • René Char, as quoted in The French-American Review (1976) by Texas Christian University, p. 132.
    • Variant translation: A poet must leave traces of his passage, not proofs. Only traces bring about dreams.
      • As quoted in Popular Dissent, Human Agency, and Global Politics (2000) by Roland Bleiker, p. 50.
  • The worst fate of a poet is to be admired without being understood.
  • A true poet does not bother to be poetical. Nor does a nursery gardener scent his roses.
  • There is a pleasure in poetic pains,
    Which only poets know.
    • William Cowper, The Task (1785), Book II, line 285. Same in Wordsworth, Miscellaneous Sonnets. Knight's ed, VII. 160.
  • For that fine madness still he did retain
    Which rightly should possess a poet's brain.
  • You don't have to write anything down to be a poet. Some work in gas stations. Some shine shoes. I don't really call myself one because I don't like the word. Me? I'm a trapeze artist.
  • There is a property in the horizon which no man has but he whose eye can integrate all the parts, that is, the poet. ... To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man, but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood. His intercourse with heaven and earth, becomes part of his daily food.
  • Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different.
    • T. S. Eliot, The Sacred Wood (1920) "Philip Massinger".
  • I am no poet, but if you think for yourselves, as I proceed, the facts will form a poem in your minds.
    • Michael Faraday, in lecture notes of 1858, quoted in The Life and Letters of Faraday (1870) by Bence Jones, Vol. 2, p. 403.
  • The writing of a poem is like a child throwing stones into a mineshaft. You compose first, then you listen for the reverberation.
  • To be a poet is a condition rather than a profession.
    • Robert Graves, in a reply to a questionnaire in “The Cost of Letters” in Horizon (September 1946).
  • Anthropologists are a connecting link between poets and scientists; though their field-work among primitive peoples has often made them forget the language of science.
    • Robert Graves, in "Mammon" an address at the London School of Economics (6 December 1963); published in Mammon and the Black Goddess (1965).
  • Even nowadays an archaic sense of love-innocence recurs, however briefly, among most young men and women. Some few of these, who become poets, remain in love for the rest of their lives, watching the world with a detachment unknown to lawyers, politicians, financiers, and all other ministers of that blind and irresponsible successor to matriarchy and patriarchy — the mechanarchy.
  • Poets themselves, tho' liars by profession, always endeavour to give an air of truth to their fictions…
    • David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (1739-40), section X.
  • A poet is the most unpoetical of anything in existence because he has no Identity-he is continually informing and filling some other body.
    • John Keats, letter to Richard Woodhouse (27 October 1818).
  • Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind.
  • All a poet can do today is warn. That is why the true Poets must be truthful.
  • At any rate, at his [the God of Love] touch every man becomes a poet "though formerly unvisited by the Muse".
    • Plato, The Symposium section 196.
  • While pensive poets painful vigils keep,
    Sleepless themselves to give their readers sleep.
  • Dulness! whose good old cause I yet defend,
    With whom my muse began, with whom shall end.
  • Poets like painters, thus unskill'd to trace
    The naked nature and the living grace,
    With gold and jewels cover every part,
    And hide with ornaments their want of art.
  • And as to the poets, those who go astray follow them.
  • A poet's work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and stop it from going to sleep.
  • He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.
  • For ne'er
    Was flattery lost on Poet's ear;
    A simple race! they waste their toil
    For the vain tribute of a smile.
    • Walter Scott, The Lay of the Last Minstrel (1805) canto IV, stanza 35.
Call it not vain: — they do not err,
Who say that, when the Poet dies,
Mute Nature mourns her worshipper,
And celebrates his obsequies.
Here's some poetry quotes for you guys....

  • The poetry is the Earth, charming; The river, flowing from lofty mountains; Nature, a young woman and a heavenly plant with blossoming flowers, slinking in the garden of the mind.
  • You will never be alone with a poet in your pocket.
    • John Adams, letter to John Quincy Adams (14 May 1781).
  • To write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric.
  • The crown of literature is poetry.
  • Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.
  • Poetry is itself a thing of God;
    He made his prophets poets; and the more
    We feel of poesie do we become
    Like God in love and power,—under-makers.
  • All poetry is misrepresentation.
    • Jeremy Bentham, An Aphorism attributed to him according to John Stuart Mill (see Mill's essay On Bentham and Coleridge in Utilitarianism edt. by Mary Warnock p. 123).
  • As part of the spring ritual of National Poetry Month, poets are symbolically dragged into the public square in order to be humiliated with the claim that their product has not achieved sufficient market penetration and must be revived by the Artificial Resuscitation Foundation (ARF) lest the art form collapse from its own incompetence, irrelevance, and as a result of the general disinterest among the broad masses of the American People. The motto of ARF's National Poetry Month is: "Poetry's not so bad, really."
  • Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, and of lending existence to nothing.
    • Edmund Burke, Memoir of the life and character of Edmund Burke by James Prior
  • Some rhyme a neebor's name to lash;
    Some rhyme (vain thought!) for needfu' cash;
    Some rhyme to court the countra clash,
    An' raise a din;
    For me, an aim I never fash;
    I rhyme for fun.
  • For rhyme the rudder is of verses,
    With which, like ships, they steer their courses.
  • Some force whole regions, in despite
    O' geography, to change their site;
    Make former times shake hands with latter,
    And that which was before come after;
    But those that write in rhyme still make
    The one verse for the other's sake;
    For one for sense, and one for rhyme,
    I think's sufficient at one time.
  • I by no means rank poetry high in the scale of intelligence—this may look like affectation—but it is my real opinion—it is the lava of the imagination, whose eruption prevents an earthquake
    • Lord Byron, letter to Annabella Milbanke (29 November 1813).
  • Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is.
  • Our poetry now is the realization that we possess nothing. Anything therefore is a delight (since we do not posses it) and thus need not fear its loss.
    • John Cage, Silence: Lectures and Writings, "Lecture on Nothing" (1959).
  • Poetry, therefore, we will call Musical Thought.
  • For there is no heroic poem in the world but is at bottom a biography, the life of a man; also, it may be said, there is no life of a man, faithfully recorded, but is a heroic poem of its sort, rhymed or unrhymed.
    • Thomas Carlyle, Sir Walter Scott, in London and Westminster Review (1838).
  • Un poète doit laisser des traces de son passage, non des preuves. Seules les traces font rêver.
    • A poet should leave traces of his passage, not proofs. Traces alone engender dreams.
      • René Char, as quoted in The French-American Review (1976) by Texas Christian University, p. 132.
  • I think that were beginning to remember that the first poets didn't come out of a classroom, that poetry began when somebody walked off of a savanna or out of a cave and looked up at the sky with wonder and said, "Ahhh." That was the first poem.
  • No man was ever yet a great poet, without being at the same time a profound philosopher. For poetry is the blossom and the fragrance of all human knowledge, human thoughts, human passions, emotions, language
next video up ahead.... sam tsui feat christina grimme....
watch this video guys...  is from one of the youtube artist i mentioned berfor.... you will liuke it.......

hiphop and rnb artists' real names.

2 Chainz Tauheed Epps
2 Pistols Jeremy Saunders
2Pac Tupac Shakur / Lesane Parish Crooks
334 MO.B.B.-Sawed Off Keith Buchanan
334 MO.B.B.-Supa Star Kennie Buchanan
3H Joe Weinberger
50 Cent Curtis James "Boo Boo" Jackson III
88 Keys Charles Misodi Njapa
9th Ward Jamaal Williams
9th Wonder Pat Douthit
The Original 50 Cent Kelvin Darnell Martin
A Tribe Called Quest Ali Shaheed Muhammad
A Tribe Called Quest Jarobi White
A Tribe Called Quest Malik Taylor
A Tribe Called Quest Jonathan Davis / Kamaal Ibn John Fareed
Aaliyah Aaliyah Dana Haughton
Aaries [Ayana] Ayana Hipps
Aaries [Ayinke] Ayinke Hipps
Acafool Kervens Joseph
Aesop Rock Ian Bavitz
Afroman Joseph Foreman
AJ [106 and Park] AJ Calloway
Ak'Sent Krystle Johnson
Akinyele Akinyele Adams
Akon Aliuane Badara Thiam
Al Sharpton Alfred Charles Sharpton Jr.
Alchemist Alan Maman
Ali [St. Lunatics] Ali Jones
Alicia Keys Alicia Augello Cook
Allen Iverson Allen Ezail Iverson
Amerie Amerie Mi Marie Rogers
Amp Fiddler Joseph Fiddler
Angie Stone Angela Laverne Brown
Anthony David Anthony David Harrington
Aretha Franklin Aretha Louise Franklin
Ashanti Ashanti Shaquoya "Shani Bani" Douglas
Astro Brian Bradley
Audio Push [Oktane] Julian Brown
Audio Push [Price Tag] Larry Jacks
Aztek Miguel Gomez
B2K [J Boog] Jarell Damonte Houston
B2K [Lil Fizz] Dreux Pierre Frederic
B2K [Raz B] De'mario Monte Thornton
Baby [Cash Money] Brian Williams
Babyface Kenneth Brian Edmonds
Balance Saeed Crumpler
Bang Dwayne Holmes
Beanie Man Anthony Moses David
Beanie Sigel Dwight Grant
Beatminerz [Evil Dee] Ewart Dewgarde
Beatminerz [Mr. Walt] Walter Dewgarde
Beatnuts [Ju Ju] Jerry Tineo
Beatnuts [Pyscho Les] Lester Fernandez
Bentley Fonzworth Derek Watkins
Big Gipp Cameron Gipp
Big L Lamont Coleman
Big Lurch Antron Singleton
Big Mike Mike Barnett
Big Noyd TuJuan Perry
Big Pun Christopher Carlos Rios Jr.
Big Rich Richard Bougere Jr.
Bilal Bilal Oliver
Billie Holiday Eleanora Fagan
Bink Roosevelt Harrell III
Bishop Lamont Philip Martin
Biz Markie Marcel Hall
Black Buddafly [Amina] Amina Schmahl
Black Buddafly [Jazz] Jazz Schmahl
Black Child Ramel Gill
Black Eyed Peas [apl.de.ap] Allen Pineda
Black Eyed Peas [Fergie] Stacy Ann Ferguson
Black Eyed Peas [Taboo] Jaime Gomez
Black Eyed Peas [Will.I.Am] William Adams
Black Milk Curtis Cross
Black Rob Robert Ross
Black Sheep [Dres] Andres Titus
Black Sheep [Mista Lawnge] William McLean
Blackalicious [Chief XCel] Xavier Mosley
Blackalicious [The Gift of Gab] Timothy Parker
BlakJak Jafari Eady
Blood Raw Bruce Falson
Blu Johnson Barnes
Blu Cantrell Tiffany Cobb
Bo Diddley Otha Elias Bates McDaniel
Bobby Brown Robert Barisford Brown
Bobby Valentino Robert Wilson
Bohagon Cedric Leonard
Bone Crusher Wayne Hardnett
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony [Bizzy] Bryon Anthony McCane II
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony [Krayzie] Anthony Henderson
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony [Layzie] Steve Howse
Bone Thugs-N-Harmony [Wish] Charles Scruggs
Bossman Travis Holifield
Bounty Killer Rodney Basil Price
Bow Wow Shad Gregory Moss
Boyz II Men [Nathan] Nathan Morris
Boyz II Men [Shawn] Shawn Stockman
Boyz II Men [Wanya] Wanya Morris
Brandy Brandy Rayana Norwood
Brotha Lynch Hung Kevin Mann
Brucie B Bruce Robinson
Bubba Sparxxx Warren Anderson Mathis
Buckshot Kenyatta Blake
Buju Banton Mark Anthony Myrie
Bushwick Bill Richard Shaw
Busta Rhymes Trevor Tahiem Smith
C-Bo Shawn Thomas
C-Murder Corey Miller
Cadillac Don Donald Sharp
Cadillac Tah Taheem Crocker
Cam'Ron Cameron Giles
Canibus Germaine Williams
Capone [& Noreaga] Kiam Holley
Cappadonna Darryl Hill
Carmelo Anthony Carmelo Kyan Anthony
Casely Jean Carlos Casely
Cashis Ramone Johnson
Cassidy Barry Adrien Reese
Cassie Cassandra Ventura
Cedric the Entertainer Cedric Kyles
Cee Lo Thomas Callaway
Cha Cha Paris Lynell Fluellen
Chaka Khan Carole Yvette Marie Stevens
Chalie Boy Charles Williams
Cham Dameon Dean Beckett
Chamillionaire Hakeem Seriki
Charles Barkley Charles Wade Barkley
Charli Baltimore Tiffany Lane
Chase N. Cashe Jesse Woodard
Che'Nelle Cheryline Lim
Chi Ali Chi Ali Griffith
Chingy Howard Bailey Jr.
Chopper City Boyz [Gar] Vandell Smith Jr.
Chopper City Boyz [Hakizzle] Hakim Dorsey
Chopper City Boyz [Sniper] Travis Edwards
Chopper City Boyz [VL] Mike Allen
Chris Rock Christopher Julius Rock III
Chrisette Michele Chrisette Michele Payne
Christina Milian Christine Flores
Chubb Rock Richard Simpson
Ciara Ciara Princess Harris
Cipha Sounds Luis Diaz
Claudette [City High] Claudette Ortiz
Clipse [Malice] Gene Thornton Jr.
Clipse [Pusha Ton] Terrence Thornton
Coco [Ice-T's Wife] Nicole Austin
Cody Chestnutt Antonious Thomas
Collie Budz Colin Harper
Common Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr.
Consequence Dexter Raymond Mills Jr.
Coo Coo Cal Calvin Bellamy
Cool and Dre [Cool] Marcello Velenzano
Cool and Dre [Dre] Andre Lyon
Cool Breeze Fredrick Calhoun Bell
Cool C Christopher Roney
Coolio Artis Leon Ivey Jr
Cormega Cory McKay
Cory Gunz Peter Cory Pankey Jr.
Cosbe 1 Edwardo Mitchell
Crime Mob [Cyco Black] Alphonse Smith
Crime Mob [Diamond] Brittany Carpenter
Crime Mob [MIG] Jarques Usher
Crime Mob [Princess] Venetia Lewis
Crooked I Dominic Wickliffe
Cruna Ke.Anthony Dilliard
Cuban Link Felix Delgado
Curren$y Shante Anthony Franklin
Cypress Hill [B-Real] Louis Freeze
Cypress Hill [DJ Muggs] Lawrence Muggerud
Cypress Hill [Sen Dog] Sennen Reyes

keep visiting theres' more to come.....


Computer is an electronic device used for various proposes nowadays, except for the calculation what it was meant to be in-the beginning. Computer needs a user to do the job, without a user it cannot process any information or data. So the computer is sometimes is also termed as a dumb machine.

Conventionally, a computer consists of at least one processing element and some form of memory. The processing element carries out arithmetic and logic operations, and a sequencing and control unit that can change the order of operations based on stored information. Peripheral devices allow information to be retrieved from an external source, and the result of operations saved.

A computer's processing unit executes a series of instructions that make it read, manipulate and then store data. Conditional instructions change the sequence of instructions as a function of the current state of the machine or its environment.

In order to interact with such a machine, programmers and engineers developed the concept of a user interface in order to accept input from humans and return results for human consumption.

this made it easy for a user to operate and use the computer more easily and proficiently.

youtube artists

Now a days, artists have a new stage for showing their capacity and sharing their views among the people globally. YouTube has given them a place for this. YouTube is the most common video sharing in the web at this time. many people can share their videos through this website.
these days many young artist who cant debut in the field of their respective interest has chosen YouTube as their place for showing their talents. it is much easier to share their videos through YouTube just by creating a basic login account.
in YouTube the artist like de-storme, Megan Nicole, Sam Tsui, Tylar Ward are being much popular with their singing ability and music creation.
the musical artist also use YouTube to share their ability. these artist include drummers, guiotarists, pianoists and other varoius instrument players.
This can be concluded as that Youtube has provided the baisc platform for showing the talents that they have and also to share their intrests aand views through video sharing.